Cycling Marshall Wall West, Marin County, California
Tomales Bay and Marshall Wall West climb just off center right.
The Marshall Wall West and East climbs are located in the northwestern corner of Marin County and are quite rural and remote. The landscape is almost exclusively rugged pastureland with some views of Tomales Bay, the Pacific Ocean, and Marin County's Arroyo Sausal Reservoir. The climbs can easily be fit into 50 mile or less loops that begin in Novato or Petaluma, with the midpoint from either start the quaint coastal town of Point Reyes Station. Here is a nice 36 mile loop used for the annual Team Swift Youth Cycling Club fundraiser.
Climb begins in Marshall at T intersection of Highway 1 and Marshall Road.
This is the northernmost Marin county cycling climb.
View west towards Tomales Bay and the start of the Marshall Wall West bike climb.
St. Helens Church is 50 yards up from the start.
Now there’s an indicator of how popular this route is for cyclists.
After leaving the Pacific Ocean in our rearview mirror,
we are in cattle and dairy country.
There’s not much traffic on this ride, but . . .you know it when there is.
View west from the finish.
Do not seek these climbs out for a significant challenge, as the term "Wall" to describe these ascents is a bit of a misnomer. The Marshall Walls are tame by comparison to other more appropriately named climbs in the North Bay (such as Rancheria and Pine Flat Walls).
Hog Island Oyster Company is at the beginning of the climb.
Roadway Surface and Traffic Report: There is very little traffic along this rural, narrow, two-lane roadway, but you may encounter very large milk transport trucks (see slideshow, above) -- this is dairy country, after all! As with most of the Marin County roads, this one is in great shape.
That’s a wrap!